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5 Benefits and 7 Steps for Transforming Your Mobile-Friendly Website into Android and iOS Apps

Author Teomat Digital Arts

Teomat Digital Arts

Can we transform our website into an application and list it on Google Play or Apple Store? The answer is yes, and it's not even too complicated. Before we delve into the details, let's first explore the numerous possibilities this approach offers to expand our projects and engage mobile users more effectively by turning a mobile-friendly website into a native Android or iOS app.

First and foremost, what are the benefits of transforming our website into a Web App compared to developing a dedicated app from scratch?

How Does It Work?

It all starts with a single and unified development: our website. This is where we need to concentrate all our efforts and resources. The key point is to create a well-designed website, which is not only user-friendly when viewed on computer screens but also offers a perfect browsing experience on small screens like those of mobile phones.

And that's where the magic begins. Once we've confirmed that using our website from a mobile device on any browser is clear, functional, balanced, and we are satisfied with our work, we can leverage this resource to turn it into something else.
What? - A native Android or iOS application.

At this point, you need technical resources with expertise in creating mobile applications. But we won't ask them to develop one (or two if you want both Android and iOS) from scratch. Instead, we'll simply ask them to connect our website inside a micro-app that will serve as a "container."

In simple terms, this means that anyone who downloads our application from Google Play or the Apple Store will be browsing within a native application, without knowing that they are actually navigating our website in its mobile version.
Clear? So now let's get into the details!

Benefit #1 - Increased Efficiency at Reduced Costs: A Much Easier Solution to Manage.

Transforming our website into an app offers distinct advantages over developing a native app from scratch. It is a much more cost-effective solution in terms of development, as it leverages the existing content, design, and functionality of our website without the need to start from scratch and design separate solutions for each operating system. Ultimately, this will save us time and resources.

Benefit #2 - Consistency Across Platforms: A Unified User Experience.

By developing a single architecture, that is in fact a mobile-friendly website, it's intuitive to understand that every other form of display will refer back to the same architecture, design, and content. This provides a sense of consistency across all your communication channels. Furthermore, users can easily switch between browsing your website and using the app, enjoying a unified branding experience and familiarity with your interface.

Benefit #3 - Accessibility of Web Apps: Offering the Option to Avoid Installation.

Among the various advantages of developing an extremely adaptable website for smartphone screens, there is that one of giving users a double choice: they can use our native apps if they wish, or they can use our web app (the website) for those who don't want to install a new application on their device. Therefore, we offer instant accessibility, eliminating any barriers related to user preferences.

Benefit #4 - Expanding Reach: Reaching a Wider Audience.

By turning your website into an app, you can reach a wider audience. Thinking in the opposite direction from before, a single website will reach the entire digital population who prefer to use a browser as their interface. However, by offering a downloadable version on Google Play or the Apple Store, you immediately expand your possibilities to reach a new type of user who is more loyal to this type of interface.

Benefit #5 - Simplified Updates and Maintenance: Real Time Content Management.

Managing only one website that propagates content to various forms and platforms makes updating and maintaining your content as easy as snapping your fingers. This means you can make real-time changes to your website, such as adding an article, correcting content, or updating a menu item, and these changes will instantly reflect in the Android and iOS apps. This eliminates the need for separate app updates, ensuring that your users always have the latest information at their fingertips.

After listing the benefits, let's move on to the planning phase. Here are the 7 steps to start transforming your content and making the migration process as clear as possible:

Step #1 - Fully Understand the Power of Mobile Apps: Unlocking New Opportunities.

As we've mentioned, but it's worth repeating, on this point, we're not just talking about technical details but also strategies. We need to thoroughly understand all the benefits this transformation will bring, so we can plan our strategies on paper before the actual development.

Step #2 - The Conversion Process: From Web to App.

Converting your website into a mobile app involves a systematic process. It starts with a comprehensive technical analysis of the structure and functionality of the mobile version of your site. Subsequently, with the help of professional experts or advanced tools and frameworks, your website will be transformed into a native app for Android and iOS, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility on various devices.

Step #3 - If You're Not Confident, Seek a Professional: Ensure a Well-Done Migration Process.

As mentioned, there's the option to attempt this step on your own using frameworks. However, you should consider that this process requires technical skills and a deep understanding of app development, as well as the courage to tackle it on your own. To ensure a smooth and successful transformation, consider adding a small additional budget for an industry expert to assist you in this transition. Their expertise will help you manage the complexities, mitigate unexpected issues, ensure compatibility, and offer a higher quality user experience.

Step #4 - Tools and Frameworks: For Those Who Like the Do-It-Yourself Solutions.

Not to contradict ourselves, but to provide a wider range of options, with the right effort and proper support, developing a mobile app on your own might not be an impossible task for those who are technologically inclined. There are numerous app development tools and frameworks available on the web, which, behind a contribution request and account creation, simplify the migration process. These tools offer intuitive interfaces, pre-built components, and excellent integration options, allowing you to transform your website into an app in a way that might seem straightforward to some.

Step #5 - Optimization for Continuous Engagement.

Mobile apps offer a tailored experience that caters to your users. With intuitive navigation, the possibility of offline access, and optimized content notifications, your app can provide a compelling reason to keep users engaged and coming back for more interactions. This is a significant advantage of apps over a mere responsive solution for your website, which would require more user interactions to stay truly connected with their interests.

Step #6 - Marketing and Promotion: Maximizing App Visibility.

Once your app is developed, it's essential to focus on marketing and promotion. Utilize optimization techniques for app stores, create engaging descriptions, visually appealing screenshots, and implement effective strategies to maximize app visibility and attract more downloads. App stores are essentially new worlds that you can and should leverage to the fullest extent to reap the most benefits.

Step #7 - App Analytics and Continuous Improvement: Evolving with User Feedback.

Analytical data plays a vital role in understanding user behavior and identifying areas for future improvements. Learn to analyze user feedback, monitor key metrics, and make data-driven decisions to continuously enhance user satisfaction.

By transforming your mobile-friendly website into native Android and iOS apps, you can expand your reach, provide an enhanced user experience, and unlock new opportunities for engagement. Embrace the power of mobile apps today and take your online presence to new heights.

Author Teomat Digital Arts

Matteo - Teomat Digital Arts

Digital Marketing Specialist

Matteo is an experienced freelancer who serves as an outsourcing manager for multiple international projects. He has a passion for programming, content creatin, eating pizza, and developing innovative solutions. A native Italian, he resides in Bali and is a devoted family man and nature enthusiast. When he's not in front of the computer, you can likely find him trekking through the heart of a jungle or unwinding on a secred beach.

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